Hiroshima University
Hydraulics Laboratory

【Award】Mr. Yogi, a doctoral student in the hydraulics lab, received the Best International Paper Award at the 68th Water Engineering Conference.

Yogi Sahat Maruli SIMANJUNTAK, a second-year student in the doctoral programme of the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, has received the Best International Paper Award at the 68th Water Engineering Conference.
The award was presented in recognition of the excellence of his presentation at the 68th Water Engineering Conference. (The award was presented on 18 March 2024.)

Title of presentation:「Three-Dimensional Flow Effects to Simulate Flows in a Strongly Curved Channel with Partly Emergent Rigid Vegetation」

【Award】Mr. Yogi, a doctoral student in the hydraulics lab, received the Best International Paper Award at the 68th Water Engineering Conference. | Hiroshima University (hiroshima-u.ac.jp)