広島大学大学院 先進理工系科学研究科(工学系)




  1. 日本陸水学会東海支部会 “身近な水の環境科学 実習・測定編(自然の仕組みを調べるために)”朝倉書店,(コラム分担執筆: 椿涼太).
  2. 河原能久(分担)(2014.11): 土木学会の100年(1914~2014), 土木学会


  1. “全世界の河川事典”, 高橋裕他編,丸善出版 (2013.7), (分担執筆:河原 能久)


  1. Kawahara,Y.: Flow and Sediment Transport in Compound Channels, IAHR Monograph, eds. Ikeda, S. and Mc Ewan, I., Belkema Press, 2008.
  2. 河原能久: 「乱流工学ハンドブック」 (笠木伸英他編著) , 分担, 朝倉書店, 2008.


  1. 福岡捷二: 洪水の水理と河道の設計法治水と環境の調和した川づくり, 森北出版, 2005.



      1. 椿涼太, 河原能久, 塚井誠人: 中山間地域における計画規模を越えた降雨による洪水氾濫被害特性, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol. 72, No. 1, 11-25, 2016. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.72.11
      2. Tsubaki, R., Bricker, J. D., Ichii, K., and Kawahara, Y.: Development of fragility curves for railway embankment and ballast scour due to overtopping flood flow, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16, 2455–2472, 2016. https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-16-2455-2016
      3. 田中俊介, 椿涼太, 河原能久, 小手川勇太: フラッシュ放流によるダム下流区間における外来沈水植物の流出動態, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol. 72, No. 4, I_1117-I_1122, 2016. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.72.I_1117
      4. 渡辺豊, 河原能久: UAVを利用した空中写真の河川地形計測への適用性, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol. 72, No. 4, I_1105-I_1110, 2016. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.72.I_1105
      5. 川口隆尚, 佐伯利将, 竹谷佳尚, 河原能久: 路面排水能力を向上させたグレーチングの開発, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol. 72, No. 4, I_313-I_318, 2016. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.72.I_313
      6. 北真人, 河原能久, 椿涼太, Nyunt, C. T.: WRFによる2014年8月広島豪雨の数値解析, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol. 72, No. 4, I_211-I_216, 2016. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.72.I_211
      7. 横嶋哲, 河原能久: 個々のキャノピー要素への接近流速を考慮した抗力係数分布に基づく樹木群流れのLES, 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学), Vol. 71, No. 2, I_703-I_711, 2016. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejam.71.I_703


      1. 北真人, 河原能久, 椿涼太, Cho Thanda Nyunt: 2013年島根県西部を対象としたWRFによるダウンスケール実験, 河川技術論文集, 第20巻. Pp.215-221, 2015.
      2. Yokojima, S., Kawahara, Y. and Yamamoto, T.: Impact of vegetation configuration on flow structure and resistance in a rectangular open channel, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2014.07.008
      3. 横嶋哲, 河原能久: キャノピー内部の抗力係数分布を考慮した樹木群を過ぎる流れのLES, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.71, No.4, I_1051- I_1056, 2015. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.71.I_1051
      4. 坪下健太郎, 椿涼太, 河原能久: 衝突音を利用した礫河川の掃流砂観測手法に関する研究, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.71, No.4, I_823- I_828, 2015. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.71.I_823
      5. 北真人, 河原能久, 椿涼太, 牛山朋來: WRF-LETKFによる2013年8月の島根県西部豪雨の数値解析, 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学), Vol. 70, No. 2, I_277-I_287, 2015. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejam.70.I_277
      6. 横嶋哲, 河原能久: 円柱群を過ぎる2次元流れに対する抗力モデルの適用性, 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学), Vol. 70, No. 2, I_691-I_700, 2015. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejam.70.I_691


      1. 椿涼太, 朝位孝二, 中村明彦, 戸村健太郎, 河原能久, 永野博之: H22年7月豪雨による厚狭川中流域の中山間部での洪水氾濫流の分析, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.70, No.4, I_1441-I_1446, 2014. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.70.I_1441
      2. 横嶋哲, 野田博, 河原能久: 円柱群を過ぎる2次元流れの抗力特性, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.70, No.4, I_829-I_834, 2014. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.70.I_829


      1. 北真人, 牛山朋來, 河原能久, 椿涼太: LETKFを適用したWRFによる九州北部豪雨の解析, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 19, 283-288, 2013. http://www.jsce.or.jp/library/open/proc/maglist2/00906/2013/mg01.htm
      2. Tsubaki, R. and Kawahara, Y.: The uncertainty of local flow parameters during inundation flow over complex topographies with elevation errors, J.Hydrology, Vol. 486(12), 71–87, 2013. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.01.042
      3. 石尾将大, 椿涼太, 河原能久, 中土井佑輔: NDVIを用いた付着藻類剥離量の測定方法の開発と砂礫衝突による剥離効果の定量評価提案, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.69(4), I_763-I_768, 2013. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.69.I_763
      4. 水口雄介, 椿涼太, 河原能久, 松原功馬: フラッシュ放流による沈水植物の流失特性, 水工学論文集, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.69, No. 4, I_1351-I_1356, 2013. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.69.I_1351
      5. 横嶋哲, 河原能久, 山本拓也, 松原功馬: 樹木群を有する直線開水路流れにおける大規模水平渦の特性, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.69, No. 4, I_877-882, 2013. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.69.I_877


      1. 長谷川史明, 河原能久, Jahra, F., 山本拓也: 高水敷上の樹木群が流れの抵抗や流速分布に及ぼす影響, 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学), Vol.68, No, 2, I_573-I_581, 2012. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejam.68.I_573
      2. 中土井佑輔, 椿涼太, 河原能久, 石尾将大: フラッシュ放流における土砂供給が付着藻類の剥離に与える付加効果の推定, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 18, 173-178, 2012. http://www.jsce.or.jp/library/open/proc/maglist2/00906/2012/mg01.htm
      3. 上田康弘, 椿涼太, 河原能久, 吉田浩紀: 鉄道盛土の越水による上部構造の流失機構・条件の解明, 河川技術論文集, Vol.18, 375-380, 2012. http://www.jsce.or.jp/library/open/proc/maglist2/00906/2012/mg01.htm
      4. Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y., Muto, Y. and Fujita, I.: New 3-D flow interpolation method on moving ADCP data, Water Resources Research, Vol.48, No.5, W05539, 15p., 2012. https://doi.org/10.1029/2011WR010867
      5. Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y., Sayama, T. and Fujita, I.: Analysis of geomorphic and hydraulic conditions causing railway embankment breach due to inundation caused by heavy rainfall, Journal of Hydraulic and Hydroscience Engineering, JSCE, Vol.30(1), 87-99.2012.
      6. 中土井 佑輔, 椿 涼太, 河原 能久, 石尾 将大: フラッシュ放流における土砂供給が付着藻類の剥離に与える付加効果の推定, 河川技術論文集, 18, 173-178, 2012.
      7. 上田 康弘, 椿 涼太, 河原 能久, 吉田 浩紀: 鉄道盛 土の越水による上部構造の流失機構・条件の解明, 河川技術論文集, 18, 375-380, 2012.
      8. 長谷川 史明, 河原 能久, Jahra Fatima, 山本 拓也: 高水敷上の樹木群が流れの抵抗や流速分布に及ぼす影響, 土木学会論文集 A2 (応用力学) , 68, 2, I 573-I 581, 2012.
      9. Jahra, F., Kawahara, Y., Hasegawa, F., Yamamoto, T.: Solute transport in a compound open channel with emergent vegetation, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 68, 4, I73-I78, 2012.
      10. 中土井佑輔,椿涼太,河原能久: 付着藻類の剥離形態の整理と出水に伴う剥離量評価モデルの精緻化, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) , 68, 4, I 751-I 756, 2012.
      11. Gunawan, B., Sun, X., Sterling, M., Shiono, K., Tsubaki, R., Rameshwaran, P., Knight, D.K., Chandler, J.H., Tang, X. and Fujita, I.: The application of LS-PIV to a small irregular river for inbank and overbank flows,Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 24,1-12, 2012.
      12. Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y., Sayama, T. and Fujita, I.: Analysis of geomorphic and hydraulic conditions causing railway embankment breach due to inundation flow, Journal of Hydraulic and Hydroscience Engineering, JSCE,30, 1, 87-99, 2012.
      13. Soares-Frazão et al.: Dam-break flows over mobile beds: Experiments and benchmark tests for numerical models, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2012.


      1. 吉武央気, 河原能久, 椿涼太 , 中土井佑輔: 2次元不定流解析における植生倒伏モデルの改良とフラッシュ放流への適用, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 17, 221-226, 2011.
      2. 椿涼太 , 河原能久, 上田康弘: 越水による鉄道盛土の流出機構に関する実験的研究, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 17, 449-445, 2011.
      3. 長谷川史明, JAHRA Fatima, 山本拓也, 河原能久: 高水敷の植生域幅が流れに及ぼす影響の評価, 応用力学論文集, Vol.67, 549-557, 2011.
      4. 吉武央気, 河原能久, 椿涼太: 数値解析を用いた急流河川における洪水時の流量の予測精度に関する研究, 応用力学論文集, Vol.67, 683-691, 2011.
      5. Fatima Jahra, Yoshihisa Kawahara, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Fumihiko Hasegawa “Flow-vegetation interaction in a compound open channel with emergent vegetation”, Journal of River Basin Management, vol. 9, no. 3-4, pp. 247-256, 2011.
      6. Ryota Tsubaki, Ichiro Fujita, Shiho Tsutsumi: “Measurement of the flood discharge of a small-sized river using an existing digital video recording system”, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 313-322, 2011.
      7. 椿涼太, 河原能久, 佐山敬洋, 藤田一郎: 豪雨災害による鉄道盛土の被災機構, 水工学論文集, 第55巻, 919-924, 2011.
      8. 吉武央気, 河原能久, 椿涼太, 中土井佑輔: フラッシュ放流を利用した流量ハイドログラフ推定法の精度検証, 水工学論文集, 第55巻, 1237-1242, 2011.
      9. 中土井佑輔, 椿涼太, 河原能久, 吉武央気: 付着藻類の剥離に対するフラッシュ放流の効果の定量的評価, 水工学論文集, 第55巻, 1381-1386, 2011.


      1. 河原能久, 椿涼太, 土谷直広, 吉田晋 : 破堤幅拡大を伴う破堤氾濫流に関する実験的研究, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 16, 501-506, 2010.
      2. 椿涼太, 河原能久, 中土井佑輔, 岩苔和広, 吉武央気 : フラッシュ放流による河床環境改善効果と放流波形の重要性, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 16, 501-506, 2010.
      3. 山本浩之, 長谷川史明, JAHRA Fatima, 河原能久 : 部分的に植生域に有する複断面河道における流れの三次元数値解析, 応用力学論文集, Vol.13, 725-734, 2010.
      4. 中土井佑輔, 椿涼太, 河原能久, 岩苔和広, 吉武央気: 灰塚ダム下流域におけるフラッシュ放流の現地観測と数値解析, 応用力学論文集, Vol.13, 725-734, 2010.
      5. 吉田晋, 椿涼太, 河原能久, 土谷直広: 破堤時の河道の洪水流と市街地における氾濫流の統合解析, 応用力学論文集, Vol.13, 725-734, 2010.
      6. Jahra, F., Yamamoto, H., Hasegawa, F., and Kawahara, Y.: Experimental and numerical analysis of open channel flows with submerged and emergent vegetations, 水工学論文集, 第54巻, 169-174, 2010.
      7. 吉田晋, 椿涼太, 河原能久, 山田雄也, 土谷直広: 破堤部を含む蛇行水路の流れの計測と氾濫流量の推定, 水工学論文集, 第54巻, 1015-1020, 2010.
      8. Ryota Tsubaki, Ichiro Fujita: Unstructured grid generation using LiDAR data for urban flood inundation modelling, Hydrological processes, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 1404-1420, 2010.


      1. 椿涼太, 藤田一郎, 眞間修一, 竹村仁志, 金原健一 (2009.6) : 既設ビデオカメラを用いた画像解析法による中小河川の流量観測のためのカメラ設定方法および解析方法に関する研究, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 15, 501-506.
      2. 押田さやか, 河原能久, 久野伊津佳, 椿涼太, 森山学 (2009.6) : 地上型レーザスキャナを用いた河川物理環境計測法の開発, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 15, 507-512.
      3. 椿涼太, 吉田晋, 山田雄也, 河原能久 (2009.9) : 市街地における破堤氾濫流の流れ構造と樹林帯による氾濫流制御に関する研究, 応用力学論文集, Vol.12, 653-661.
      4. Jahra, F., Yamamoto, H., Tsubaki, R., and Kawahara, Y. (2009.9) : Experimental study of mean velocity distribution in open channels with emergent and submerged vegetation, 応用力学論文集, Vol.12, 663-672.
      5. 河原能久, 伊藤康, 内田龍彦, 家藤憲司: 非定常流中の建物に作用する流体力の直接測定, 水工学論文集, 第53巻, 979-984, 2009.


      1. 内田龍彦, 河原能久, 押田さやか, 一宮 梢, 森山学, 木村成弘: 地上レーザ計測による河川の物理環境データの取得, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 14, 301-306, 2008.
      2. 河原能久, 内田龍彦, 吉田晋, 木村成弘: 急流礫床河川における洗掘深センサーの開発, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 14, 313-318, 2008.
      3. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: 3-d flood flow structures in a doubly meandering compound channel under dominant relative depth, 応用力学論文集, Vol.11, 735-743, 2008.
      4. 岩苔和宏, 河原能久, 森下祐, 内田龍彦: 多点水位ハイドログラフを用いた新しい流量推定法の水内川への適用, 応用力学論文集, Vol.11, 689-698, 2008.
      5. 森下祐, 内田龍彦, 河原能久: 水位ハイドログラフと二次元不定流解析を用いた高水敷粗度及び流量ハイドログラフの推定, 水工学論文集, 第52巻, 901-906, 2008.
      6. 内田龍彦, 河原能久, 吉田晋, 森山学: 河川レーザ測量のための水面下河床高の力学的内挿補間法, 水工学論文集, 第52巻, 1057-1062, 2008.


      1. 内田龍彦, 河原能久, 山水綾, 渡辺豊, 森山学: ヘリコプタに搭載した高精度3Dレーザスキャナによる河川の物理環境の計測, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 13, 243-248, 2007.
      2. 内田龍彦, 見上哲章, 河原能久, 湧川勝己, 幸弘美: 2004年10月出石川破堤氾濫における洪水の被害調査と氾濫流解析に基づく検討, 河川技術論文集, Vol. 13, 303-308, 2007.
      3. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: Effect of longitudinal slope on flow pattern in a doubly meandering compound channel, 応用力学論文集, Vol.10, 903-910, 2007.
      4. 内田龍彦, 伊藤康, 戎忠則, 河原能久: 破堤氾濫流に関する基礎的実験とその二次元数値解析, 応用力学論文集, Vol.10, 911-919, 2007.
      5. 河原能久, 内田龍彦, 木梨行宏: 沿岸都市域における氾濫統合解析手法の開発, 海岸工学論文集, 第54巻, 1331-1335, 2007.
      6. 内田龍彦, 河原能久, 木梨行宏, 伊藤康: デカルト座標系を用いた市街地氾濫流シミュレータの構築と竹原市の高潮氾濫への適用, 水工学論文集, 第51巻, 517-522, 2007.


      1. 福岡捷二, 山崎憲人, 黒田勇一, 井内拓馬, 渡邊明英: 急流河川の河床変動機構と破堤による氾濫流量算定法の調査研究, 河川技術論文集, 第12巻, 55-60, 2006.
      2. 内田龍彦, 河原能久: 二次元浅水流の保存型CIP陽解法の開発とその検証, 応用力学論文集, Vol.9, 917-924, 2006.
      3. 森下祐, 渡邊明英, 内田龍彦, 河原能久: 複断面蛇行河道における洪水流の増水期と減水期の流れ構造, 応用力学論文集, Vol.9, 977-985, 2006.
      4. 濱崎修, 大八木豊, 辻倉裕喜, 河原能久: 丸亀平野における水循環系の調査と解析, 水工学論文集, 第50巻, 265-270, 2006.
      5. 河原能久, 橋本美智子, 吉川省子: 香東川扇状地における不圧地下水の水質の動態観測, 水工学論文集, 第50巻, 277-282, 2006.
      6. 福岡捷二, 渡邊明英, 内田龍彦, 山本健介: 河岸侵食面に作用するせん断応力と流れ構造の関係, 水工学論文集, 第50巻, 637-642, 2006.
      7. 内田龍彦, 河原能久: 任意の境界形状を有する二次元浅水流の高精度解析手法の開発, 水工学論文集, 第50巻, 799-804, 2006.
      8. 土井豆政廣, 内田龍彦, 渡邊明英, 福岡捷二: 河床洗掘による根固め工の滑り限界の力学的検討, 水工学論文集, 第50巻, 829-834, 2006.
      9. 福岡捷二, 渡邊明英, 田端幸輔, 風間聡, 牛膓宏: 利根川・江戸川分派点を含む区間における流量ハイドログラフと粗度係数・樹木群透過係数の評価, 水工学論文集, 第50巻, 1165-1170, 2006.
      10. 河原能久, 竹内豊, 野々村敦子, 松尾克美: マイクロバブルによる富栄養貯水池の深層水の水質改善に関する現地試験, 水工学論文集, 第50巻, 1351-1356, 2006.


      1. 福岡捷二, 渡邊明英, 篠原康寛, 山下 翔, 斉藤一正: 高速で多量に流下する礫群の運動機構と床面磨耗量の推算, 河川技術論文集, 第11巻, 291-296, 2005.
      2. 黒田勇一, 福岡捷二, 山本 輝, 吉田和弘, 井内拓馬: 礫床河川の澪筋形成機構と河床粒度分布特性, 河川技術論文集, 第11巻, 363-368, 2005.
      3. 内田龍彦, 福岡捷二, 木下真理子: 落差工下流の河床洗掘孔を考慮し設置された粗朶沈床の効果検討, 河川技術論文集, 第11巻, 399-404, 2005.
      4. 横嶋 哲(2005.12): 壁面ブロッキング効果の再検討, 広島大学大学院工学研究科研究報告, 第54巻, 第1号, 29-34, 2005.
      5. 河原能久, 渡邉健一, 松下健一郎: 高松平野における被圧地下水の水位上昇の機構, 水工学論文集, 第49巻, 85-90, 2005.
      6. 福岡捷二, 永井慎也, 佐藤宏明: 河川合流部を含む本・支川の流量ハイドログラフ, 貯留量の評価-利根川・渡良瀬川の平成13年9月洪水を例として-, 水工学論文集, 第49巻, 625-630, 2005.
      7. 横嶋哲, 河原能久: ダイナミック手法による複断面直線開水路乱流のLES, 水工学論文集, 第49巻, 667-672, 2005.
      8. 内田龍彦, 福岡捷二: 流れによる護床ブロック群の変形・破壊の解析, 水工学論文集, 第49巻, 793-798, 2005.
      9. 野々村敦子, 森本茂昭, 河原能久, 野間京二: 流動発生による富栄養化した貯水池の水温躍層の破壊実験, 水工学論文集, 第49巻, 1147-1152, 2005.
      10. 福岡捷二, 山本絢子, 岡村誠司, 溝山勇: 宍道湖に流出入する塩分フラックスと湖内塩分濃度の変化, 水工学論文集, 第49巻, 1249-1254, 2005.


      1. 福岡捷二, 仲本吉宏, 福田朝生, 石上鉄雄: ヨシ原で覆われた河岸の崩落機構と護岸機能の評価, 土木学会論文集 No.761/II-67, 19-30, 2004.
      2. 福岡捷二, 渡邊明英, 原俊彦, 秋山正人: 水面形の時間変化と非定常二次元解析を用いた洪水流量ハイドログラフと貯留量の高精度推算, 土木学会論文集 No.761/II-67, 45-56, 2004.
      3. 谷岡康, 福岡捷二: 都市域の治水計画における降雨外力について, 河川技術論文集, 第10巻, 31-36, 2004.
      4. 福岡捷二, 渡邊明英, 永井真也: 河道内貯留量推算のための水位観測法と粗度係数に与える流れの非定常性の影響, 河川技術論文集, 第10巻, 71-76, 2004.
      5. 福岡捷二, 池田隆, 田村浩敏, 豊田浩, 重松良: 利根川下流部における六大深掘れ原因と低水路改修の評価, 河川技術論文集, 第10巻, 119-124, 2004.
      6. 内田龍彦, 福岡捷二, 盧庚範, 土井豆政廣, 山形勝巳: 根固め工の変形・滑り破壊に関する研究, 河川技術論文集, 第10巻, 131-136, 2004.
      7. 藤堂正樹, 福岡捷二, 内田龍彦, 山本輝, 籠田真貴子: 小河川における漸縮・漸拡部の形成機構, 河川技術論文集, 第10巻, 267-272, 2004.
      8. 内田龍彦, 福岡捷二, 渡邊明英: 床止め工下流部の局所洗掘の数値解析モデルの開発, 土木学会論文集, No.768/II-68, pp.45-54, 2004.



      1. 河原能久: 高松平野の被圧地下水の動態と利用可能性, 地下水技術, Vol.48, No,9, 1-9, 2006.
      2. 濱崎修, 河原能久: 丸亀平野における地下水流動の調査と数値解析, 地下水技術, Vol.48, No,10, 17-28, 2006.
      3. 河原能久: 扇状地における浅層地下水の流路の推定, 地下水技術, Vol.48, No,11, 9-17, 2006.
      4. 河原能久: ハリケーン・カトリーナ災害の特徴と課題, 第42回水工学に関する夏期研修会講義集, 土木学会水理委員会・海岸工学委員会, Aコース, A-1-1-A-1-18, 2006.
      5. 河原能久: 2005年の米国ハリケーン・カトリーナによる災害の現地調査報告, 建設オピニオン, Vol.13, No.10, 26-29, 2006.


      1. 河原能久: 環境を考慮した防災技術-水環境系の保全と水災害の軽減に向けた統合解析技術-, 土木学会中国支部CPD講演会「水系環境の保全と創造をめざして-環境と防災が両立するための技術-」, 1-1-1-10, 2005.



        1. Watanabe, Y. and Kawahara, Y.: UAV photogrammetry for monitoring changes in river topography and vegetation, Procedia Engineering 154 (2016) 317 – 325, International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2016, Incheon, South Korea, Aug. 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.482
        2. Kita, M., Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R. and Nyunt, C. T.: Numerical simulation of localized torrential heavy rainfall in Hiroshima, IAHR-APD Congress, USB, 8p., Sri Lanka, Aug. 2016. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323511643_Numerical_simulation_of_localized_torrential_heavy_rainfall_in_Hiroshima
        3. Nyunt, C. T., Kolar, B., Kawahara, Y. and Tsubaki, R.: Analysis of heavy rain in Hiroshima based on X-band multi-parameter radars, IAHR-APD Congress, USB, 7p., Sri Lanka, Aug. 2016.
        4. Yokojima, S. and Kawahara. Y.: Drag coefficient distribution in LES of vegetated open channel flows, River Flow 2016, 2240-2245, University of Iowa, July 2016.


        1. Hayamai, N., Tsubaki, R. and Kawahara, Y.: Temporal change in vulnerability to heavy rainfall in Hiroshima city due to urban restructuring, 6p., 14th Int. Conf. on Civil and Environmental Engineering-2015, National Central University, Taiwan, Nov.6, 2015.
        2. Kita, M., Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R. and Nyunt, C. T.: Numerical Experiment on Localized Heavy Rainfall in Hiroshima in August 2014 Using Weather Research and Forecasting Model, Int. Conf. on Civil and Environmental Engineering-2015, National Central University, Taiwan, Nov. 6, 2015.
        3. Tanaka, S., Kawahara, Y. and Tsubaki, R.: Study on bar formation with bed material of low density, 36th IAHR World Congress, 7p., The Hague, The Netherlands, July 2015.
        4. Yokojima, S. and Kawahara, Y.: Influence of model drag coefficient on LES prediction accuracy of vegetated open-channel flows, 4p., IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, July 2015.
        5. Nyunt, C. T., Kolar, B., Tsubaki, R. and Kawahara, Y.: Analysis of 3-d unprecedented torrential and convective rainfall by high resolution x-band radar precipitation, 9p., IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, July 2015.
        6. Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y. and Ayaka, K.: Numerical estimation of saltation gravel transported on irregular bed, 3p., IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, June 2015.


        1. Tsuboshita, K., Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y.: Measurement of bed-load in gravel-bed river utilizing digital sound recorder, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2014.
        2. Tanaka, S., Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R.: Experimental Study on Bar Formation with Bed Material of Low Density, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2014.
        3. Tsuboshita, K., Tsubaki, R. and Kawahara, Y.: Measurement of bed-load in gravel-bed river utilizing digital sound recorder, ICCEE 2014, 114-1-114-6, Pukyong National University, Korea, Sep. 2014.
        4. Tanaka, S., Kawahara, Y. and Tsubaki, R.: Experimental study on bar formation with bed material of low density, ICCEE 2014, 116-1-116-7, Pukyong National University, Korea, Sep. 2014.
        5. Jahra, F. and Kawahara, Y.: Research on passive contaminant transport in a vegetated channel, Proc. of International Conference on Marine and Freshwater Environments (iMFE 2014), 10p., St. John’s NL, Canada, Aug. 2014. http://www.jeionline.org/index.php?journal=mys&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=201600350
        6. Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R. and Nhavotso, F.S.: Effects of trees along floodplain edges on the flow structure in compound meandering channel, Int. Conf. on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2014.
        7. Yokojima, S., Kawahara, Y. and Matsubara, K.: LES of Turbulent flows in open channel with patched vegetation zones, Int. Conf. on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2014.
        8. Kawahara, Y. and Tsubaki, R.: Numerical simulation of turbulent flows in an open channel with vegetation patches, 10th Int. Conf. on Ecohydraulics, Trondheim, Norway, June 2014.
        9. Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y. and Tsuboshita, K.: Spatio-temporal distribution of bedload transport in gravel rive during flushing discharge and its impact on aquatic vegetation, 10th Int. Conf. on Ecohydraulics, Trondheim, Norway, June 2014.
        10. Tsubaki, R. and Kawahara, Y.: Removal of aquatic plant in gravel river during flushing discharge, 10th Int. Conf. on Ecohydraulics, Trondheim, Norway, June 2014.


        1. Ishio, S., Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y., Nakadoi, Y.: Estimation of detachment rate of algae due to grinding by sediment transport using spectral image analysis, Proc. 12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, vol. 12, Aug. 2013.
        2. Matsubara, K., Kawahara, Y., Yamamoto, T., Tsubaki, R.: Experimental study of turbulent flows in an open channel with different vegetation patches, Proc. 35th IAHR World Congress, vol. 35, Sep. 2013.
        3. Kita, M., Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R., Ushiyama, T.: Numerical prediction of heavy rainfall using Weather and Research Forecasting model, Proc. 35th IAHR World Congress, vol. 35, Sep. 2013.
        4. Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y.: On the spatial distribution of aquatic plant in gravel river, Proc. 35th IAHR World Congress, vol. 35, Sep. 2013.
        5. Yokojima, S., Kawahara, Y., Yamamoto, T.: Effect of vegetation configuration on turbulent flows in a rectangular open channel, Proc. 35th IAHR World Congress, vol. 35, Sep. 2013.


        1. Tsubaki, R. and Kawahara, Y.: The categorization of inundation flow over complex topography, Proc. XIX International Conference on Water Resources, 2012.
        2. Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y. and Ueda, Y.: Experimental study on railway embankment breach and its critical flow condition, Proc. 18th Congress of IAHRAPD, 333-334, 2012.
        3. Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R. and Yoshitake, H.:2d numerical simulation of flushing floods with a refined model for vegetation, Proc. 18th Congress of IAHRAPD, 194-195, 2012.
        4. Kawahara, Y., Jahra, F. and Hasegawa, F.: Turbulent flows in a compound open channel with emergent vegetation, Proc. International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2012, 1, 241-246, 2012.
        5. Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R. and Yoshitake, H.: Estimation of flood discharge in a vegetated river using multipoint water level hydrographs, Proc. of 10th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, ICHE-2012, 353-354, 2012.
        6. Jahra, F., Kawahara, Y., Hasegawa, F. and Yamamoto, T.: Effects of floodplain vegetation on flow resistance and large horizontal vortices, Proc. of 10th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, ICHE-2012, 2012.
        7. Kawahara, Y. and Watanabe, Y.: Application of laser scanning system mounted on unmanned helicopter to monitor changes in river topography and vegetation, Proc. International Symposium on Watercourse Sensing and Operational Monitoring, 2012.
        8. Ueda, Y., Tsubaki, R. and Kawahara, Y.: Experimental Study on Process and Criteria of Railway Ballast Breaching, Proc. 11th International Conference on Civil and Environmental, 2012.


        1. Nakadoi, Y.: Effects of flush discharge hydrographs on the removal of attached algae, Proc. 34th IAHR Congress, pp. 2907-2914, June 2011.
        2. Jahra, F., Kawahara, Y., Hasegawa, F., Yamamoto, T.: Prediction of momentum and solute transfer in a vegetated compound channel, Proc. 34th IAHR Congress pp. 4119-4126, June 2011.
        3. Nakadoi, Y., Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R.: Effects of a flushing flood hydrograph on the removal of attached algae, Proc. Int. Conf. on Civil and Environmental Engineering-2011, pp. 356-363, Nov. 2011.
        4. Yamamoto, T., Hasegawa, F., Jahra, F., Kawahara, Y.: The effects of floodplain vegetation on mass and momentum transfer in a compound channel, Proc. Int. Conf. on Civil and Environmental Engineering-2011, pp. 400-405, Nov. 2011.
        5. Mizuguchi, Y., Tsubaki, R., Nakadoi, Y., Kawahara, Y.: Distribution and growth of Egeria Densa in Johge River, Proc. Int. Conf. on Civil and Environmental Engineering-2011, pp. 350-355, Nov. 2011.


        1. Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y., Nakadoi, Y., Iwakoke, Y., Yoshitake, H.: Impact of the flush discharge from dam on biotic and abiotic river environment, Proc. of Int. Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2010), pp. 1511-1516, Sep. 2010.
        2. Jahra, F., Yamamoto, H., Hasegawa, F., Kawahara, Y.: Mean flow and turbulence structure in meandering open channel flows with submerged and emergent vegetation, Proc. of Int. Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2010), pp. 153-161, Sep. 2010.
        3. Jahra, F., Yamamoto, H., Hasegawa, F., Kawahara, Y.: Flow-vegetation interaction in a compound open channel with emergent vegetation, Proc. of Int. Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE2010), pp. 1404-1411, Sep. 2010.
        4. Tsubaki, R., Fujita, I.: Unstructured grid generation using LiDAR data for urban flood inundation modelling, Hydrological processes, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 1404-1420, Feb. 2010.
        5. Yoshitake, H., Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R.: Estimation of flood discharge using multipoint water level hydrographs, Proc. Int. Conf. on Civil and Env. Eng (ICCEE2010), Nov. 2010.
        6. Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y.: Simulation of inundation flow on complex topography, Proc. Int. Conf. on Civil and Env. Eng (ICCEE2010), Nov. 2011.
        7. Hasegawa, F., Jahra, F., Kawahara, Y.: Flow structure in compound open channel with localized vegetation, Proc. Int. Conf. on Civil and Env. Eng (ICCEE2010), Nov. 2010.


        1. Yoshida, S., Kawahara, Y., Tsubaki, R., and Yamada, Y.: The effects of tree belt along levee on levee-break flows, Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, 8p., CD-ROM, Vancouver, Canada, 2009.
        2. Jahra, F., Yamamoto, H., Tsubaki, R., and Kawahara, Y.: Mean velocity distributions in open channel flows with submerged and emergent vegetation, Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, 8p., CD-ROM, Vancouver, Canada, 2009.
        3. Tsubaki, R., Muto, Y., Fujita, I., and Kawahara, Y.: Measurement of river flow structures using randomly-measured acoustic doppler velocity data, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2009, 7p., CD-ROM, Busan, Korea, 2009.
        4. Yamamoto, H., Jahra, F., Tsubaki, R., and Kawahara, Y.: Flow structure in open channels with emergent and submerged vegetation, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2009, 4p., CD-ROM, Busan, Korea, 2009.
        5. Yamada, Y., Yoshida, S., Kawahara, Y., and Tsubaki, R.: Levee-breach flows in a model city with tree belts along levee, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2009, 4p., CD-ROM, Busan, Korea, 2009.


        1. Kawahara, Y. and Uchida, T.: Integrated modeling for inundation flows in urban areas, Proc. Of World Environmental & Water Resource Congress 2008, ASCE/EWRI, 10p., CD-ROM, Honolulu, USA, 2008.
        2. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y., Uchida, T. and Morishita, Y.: Prediction of water surface elevation in a doubly meandering compound channel using CIP-based scheme, Proc. River Flow 2008, 2008.
        3. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: Unsteady flow pattern in a doubly meandering compound channel, Proc. River Flow 2008, 2008.
        4. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y.: Stochastic modeling and prediction of the Ganges flow, APD-IAHR Congress, 2008.
        5. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: Flood flow analysis during rising and falling stages in a doubly meandering compound channel, APD-Congress, 2008.
        6. Kawahara, Y., Ito, Y. and Uchida, T.: Experimental and numerical study on inundation flows in urban areas, APD-IAHR Congress, 2008.
        7. Kawahara, Y., Morishita, Y., Uchida, T. and Iwakoke, Y.: 2D numerical simulation of flow in a compound meandering channel for accurate estimation of discharge hydrograph, ICHE2008, 2008.
        8. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y., Uchida, T. and Morishita, Y.: 2-D simulation of velocity distribution in a doubly meandering compound channel using CIP-based scheme, ICHE2008, 2008.
        9. Uchida, T. and Kawahara, Y.: Optimal interpolation of submerged river bed for laser scanning survey using a two-dimensional numerical model, ICHE2008, 2008.
        10. Oshida, S., Uchida, T., and Kawahara, Y.: Measurement of physical environment of river with terrestrial laser scanning, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2008, 4p., CD-ROM, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 2008.
        11. Iwakoke, Y., Kawahara, Y., Morishita, Y., and Uchida, T.: Two-dimensional numerical simulation of flow at low water depth in Minochi river, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2008, 4p., CD-ROM, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 2008.
        12. Yoshida, S., and Kawahara, Y.: A new sensor for continuous measurement of scour depth in rivers, roc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2008, 4p., CD-ROM, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 2008.


        1. Uchida, T., Kawahara, Y. and Ito, Y.: Modeling of inundation flow in urbanized area using a high-resolution method with cartesian mesh, Proc. 32nd IAHR Congress, 10p., CD-ROM, Venice, Italy, July 2007.
        2. Uchida, T. and Fukuoka, S.: Numerical simulation of local scour process due to submerged jet downstream of a groundsill, Proc. 32nd IAHR Congress, 10p., CD-ROM, Venice, Italy, July 2007.
        3. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: Secondary flow structures in a doubly meandering compound channel under unsteady flow conditions, Proc. 32nd IAHR Congress, 12p., CD-ROM, Venice, Italy, July 2007.
        4. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: Velocity distribution under low relative depth in a doubly meandering compound channel, Proc. 9th International Summer Symposium, JSCE, 87-90, Yokohama, Japan, Sep 2007.
        5. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: Attenuation of flood flow in a doubly meandering compound channel, Proc. 9thInternational Summer Symposium, JSCE, 91-94, Yokohama, Japan, Sep 2007.
        6. Ito, Y., Uchida, T. and Kawahara, Y.: Experimental and numerical study on inundation flows caused by dyke break, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2007, 4p., CD-ROM, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Oct 2007.
        7. Morishita, Y., Uchida, T., and Kawahara, Y.: Sensitivity analysis of roughness of floodplains on 2-D numerical results to estimate discharge hydrograph, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2007, 4p., CD-ROM, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Oct 2007.
        8. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: Velocity distribution in a doubly meandering compound channel under unsteady flow condition, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2007, 6p., CD-ROM, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Oct 2007.
        9. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: Primary velocity distribution in a doubly meandering compound channel under steady flow condition, Proc. 5th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH-V), 6p., CD-ROM, Tempe, USA, Dec 2007.
        10. Islam, G. M. T., Kawahara, Y. and Tamai, N.: Flow pattern in a doubly meandering compound channel under steep gradient, Proc. 5thInternational Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH-V), 6p., CD-ROM, Tempe, USA, Dec 2007.


        1. Uchida, T.: A high-resolution finite-volume approach for shallow water flows with complex geometries based on a conservative CIP scheme, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2006, 121-130, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Sep 2006.
        2. Ito, Y., Kinashi, Y., Uchida, T. and Kawahara, Y.: Numerical simulation of inundation in Takehara city due to storm surge, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering ICCEE-2006, 281-286, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Sep 2006.
        3. Morishita, Y., Uchida, T., Kawahara, Y. and Watanabe, A.: Flood flow structure during rising and falling stages in a compound meandering channel, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2006, 287-292, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Sep 2006.
        4. Kawaguchi, T., Saji, I. and Kawahara, Y.: Rainfall run-off analysis of Ota River using a two-cascade storage model, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2006, 293-298, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Sep 2006.
        5. Uchida, T.: A CIP-based method for shallow water flows in complex geometries using Cartesian grids, Proc. 7th International Conference on HydroScience and Engineering, ICHE 2006, Philadelphia, USA, Sep 2006.
        6. Morishita, Y., Uchida, T. and Kawahara, Y.: Unsteady flow structure in a compound meandering channel, Proc. 7th International Conference on HydroScience and Engineering, ICHE 2006, Philadelphia, USA, Sep 2006.


        1. Yokojima, S. and Kawahara, Y.: Large-eddy simulation of straight compound channel flows, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Vol.2, 565-570, Williamsburg, USA, June 2005.
        2. Yokojima, S.: A direct assessment of the cost and benefits of higher order accuracy on the prediction of complex turbulent flows, Proc. 31st IAHR Congress, 3015-3024, Seoul, Korea, Sep 2005.
        3. Uchida, T. and Fukuoka, S.: Experiments and analyses on the deformation of the bed protective works downstream of a weir, Proc. 31st IAHR Congress, 3103-3111, Seoul, Korea, Sep 2005.
        4. Kawahara, Y. and Watanabe, K.: Numerical modeling of the confined groundwater in Takamatsu plain, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2005, 163-170, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Oct 2005.
        5. Uchida, T.: The hydraulic significance of the local scour downstream of a groundsill and bed protection using a fascine mattress, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2005, 171-180, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Oct 2005.
        6. Tsuchiizu, M., Uchida, T., Roh Kyong-bum and Watanabe, A.: Critical conditions regarding sliding failure of foot protection works due to bed scouring, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2005, 325-330, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Oct 2005.
        7. Iuchi, T. and Watanabe. A.: The field experiment on reed falling and deformation during floods, and the evaluation of discharge capacity in rivers, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2005, 331-336, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Oct 2005.
        8. Yokojima, S.: An enhanced level-set simulation of incompressible gas-liquid two-phase flows, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2005, 337-346, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, Oct 2005.


        1. Watanabe, A.: The evaluation of errors in roughness coefficients due to unsteadiness of flood flow and the accuracy of storage rates to observation intervals, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2004, 111-118, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, July 2004.
        2. Roh, K., Tsuchiizu, M. and Uchida, T.: Experimental study on the slide failure of foot protection works due to bed scouring, Proc. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2004, 263-268, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, July 2004.





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          3. Kawahara, Y.:Primary velocity distribution in open channels with different vegetation layoutexperiment and numerical simulation -, 4th Japan-Korea Mini-Symposium onModeling and Measurement of Hydraulic Flow, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea,2014.3.28


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          1. Watanabe, A.: Theevaluation of errors in roughness coefficients due to unsteadiness of floodflow and the accuracy of storage rates to observation intervals, Proc.International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2004,111-118, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, July 2004.
          2. Roh, K.,Tsuchiizu, M. and Uchida, T.: Experimental study on the slide failure of footprotection works due to bed scouring, Proc. International Conference on Civiland Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2004, 263-268, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan,July 2004.