
professor Tatsuhiko Uchida

- E-mail: utida(at)
- Profile
- ResearcherID: R-2770-2016
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3130-1175
Dr. Uchida received his Ph.D degree from Hiroshima University in 2003, and started his research carieer with an assistant professor at Hiroshima University in 2004. After nine years research activity at Research and DEvelopment Initiative in Chuo University from 2008, he was appointed as an associate professor at Hiroshima University in 2017. His main awards include the JSCE Best Paper Award (2017).
His main research interest is to elucidate the three-dimensional flow and sediment transport mechanisms in open channel flows for flood and inundation flows, and to develop their numerical simulation models. In particular, we have been working on the development of the Bottom Velocity Computation (BVC) method, which is based on the fact that the depth-scale eddy motion in open channel flows connects the large scale horizontal flow with the small scale three-dimensional turbulent flow. In his research, the effects of non-equilibrium conditions on shear stress, hydrodynamic force, and sediment motion are clarified and formulated to improve the accuracy of the models for flow and sediment motion. His rearch interests also include investigating the interaction between wave and eddy motions such as hydraulic jump, dam break flow, and tsunami, as well as the flow around river structures and local scouring. For sediment transprt research, he has focused on the development of various classification phenomena due to water flow actions and mixed grain-size models. While his research is based on clarifying the basic hydraulic phenomena including sediment transport, he is also conducting research on the mechanism of debris flow, countermeasures against sediment-flood inundation, river channel response to floods, and the effects of river maintenance in order to contribute to mitigating the damage caused by the recent series of disasters such as the heavy rain event July 2018 in Japan.
Associate professor Takuya Inoue

- E-mail: inouetakuya(at)
- Profile
- ResearcherID: AAD-1263-2022
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1423-8186
Dr. Takuya Inoue received his PhD from the Hokkaido University in 2011. He started his current position as an associate professor at Hiroshima University from April 2021. Before stating the current position, he worked at Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Regions, Hokkaido River Center, and a private company related to civil engineering.
Dr. Inoue was elected Best Presentation Award of Advances in River Engineering (2011), Excellent Paper Award in ISRS (2015) and Best Paper Award in Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (2019).
His main research interest is to use the fundamental techniques of hydraulics and geomorphology to investigate the relationship between flood disasters and fluvial landforms. In recent years, he has also been focusing on the evaluation of sediment disasters risk associated with climate change and research on safer evacuation methods.
Phoenix Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research Bobby Minola Ginting

- E-mail: bobbyminola-g(at)
- Profile
- ResearcherID: AEM-3196-2022
- ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7825-5052
- SCOPUS ID: 57193545398
Dr. Bobby Minola Ginting received his doctoral degree in 2019 from Technical University of Munich, Germany focusing on parallel computing for computational hydraulics. He was a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship awardee within 2015 – 2019. In 2020, Dr. Ginting was appointed as an assistant professor at Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia.
From 2010 – 2022, he was also working as an engineer for several coastal, river, and hydropower projects.
Dr. Ginting was elected Best Paper Award of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2022. His main research interest is to develop efficient parallel code for shallow water simulations.
Currently, Dr. Ginting is working on a research project “An Integrated High-performance Model for Simulations of Sediment Transport in Coastal Waves and Wave-induced Currents (InterHiPerSed)” under the FY2023 Phoenix Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research at Hiroshima University.
Postdoctoral Researcher Tamaki Sumner

- E-mail:
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3541-3847
Postdoctoral Researcher Fikry Purwa Lugina

- E-mail:
- Profile
- ORCID ID: 0009-0005-1256-4852
- SCOPUS ID: 57203166686
- Web of Science ID: GCX-0449-2022
Secretary Chikako Mizunuma
E-mail: chika77(at)
Secretary Tadami Fujimura
E-mail: fuji0824(at)